"Drought in Germany: reserves of some dams only last until Christmas", 12. November 2018,
"Hydrogenpowered train: premiere with great expectations", 17.09.2018,
World premiere of worlds first hydrogenpowered train on this sunday for its first ride.
"Heavy floodings in India", 17.08.2018,
More than 320 people die after severe floodings in South India.
"Farmers in need", 03.07.2018,
Farmers in Lower Saxony fear the worst harvest failure for years due to the dry weather.
"Eurpean court says Germany does to little about the problem of nitrate in water", 21.06.2018,
"Microplastik in our drinking water",14.06.2018,
We use plastic items everyday. In form of microplastis it can even be found in our drinking water. https://wasserhelden.net/unser-trinkwasser/inhaltsstoffe/mikroplastik/
"Severe weather in Germany", 10.06.2018,
Flooded streets, overflowing cellars and aquaplaning: in Central Germany heavy storms dominated the weekend. In the north, however, was bathing
"Northern Germany has the biggest drought in 15 years", 08.06.2018,
The week-long drought in northern and eastern Germany makes municipalities face with water supply problems. In agriculture, there are already total losses of some crops. But the real hard times are still to come.https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article177217410/Wasserversorgung-In-Deutschland-herrscht-die-groesste-Duerre-seit-15-Jahren.html
"Bad weather in Germany and massive floods due to heavy rain", 01.06.2018,
In many parts of Germany, storms raged in the evening and at night again. Especially in the Saarland, in the north of Baden-Wuerttemberg and in Rhineland-Palatinate
streets were flooded by heavy rain.
The people in the north and in the east of Germany continue to sweat, but in the west and in the middle of Germany it has crashed again. So there was a heavy storm
during the night in Saarland. Roads and cellars were flooded. https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/unwetter-755.html
"Our Watertanks are filled", Cuxhavener Nachrichten, 31. May 2018,
The water consumption in Households is increasing day by day. There is not enough water for the citizens. Therefor it is forbidden to water your garden or wash your car.https://www.cn-online.de/stadt-land/news/hoechster-wasserverbrauch-seit-jahren.html
"Is the bathinglake clean ?",Cuxhavener Nachrichten, 30. May 2018,
The water in lakes and at beaches in our region is clean and safe. Do you want to know about the cleanliness of water in your area? Take a look at this:https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/wasserqualitaet-in-badegewaessern
"Multiresistant bacteria are a threat to our health",14.04.2018,
They appear in lakes, rivers and water resevoirs. What can be done to prevent them contaminating our drinking water?